fleshless.org No. You move.

Link: On the Value of Command-Line “Bullshittery” (medium.com)
DNG quotes

From: Linux O'Beardly

Apologies in advance for digressing from actual Devuan tech talk, but let's be honest; if people were rated as firearms in comparison to their contribution within the open source community, Jude is a Barret .50 cal Sniper rifle.

A few years later...

When I was younger,
People kept telling me I'm only listening to Thrash Metal to be edgy, and that I will stop in a few years.
People kept telling me I'm only using a linux distro on my desktop to be edgy, and that I will stop in a few years.
People kept telling me I'm only wearing the clothes I wear to be edgy, and that I will stop in a few years.

Well guess what. Fuck you, Slayer is still the shit. Not everything is “a phase” you fucking drones.

Zero Files Hosting -> Unlimited File Works

Due to the new so tld curator doing silly things, it's not reasonable anymore to maintain the zfh.so domain registration. I've registered a new domain: 8fw.me

This is also a good reason to change the name (I never thought Zero Files Hosting was any good tbh), so it's now called Unlimited File Works, which is an even worse name. Enjoy.

Stuff & Thangs part II
I had no idea suppressors are actually this effective these days
ZFH and anons

ZFH no longer allows anonymous users to upload files. Files will still be available via direct links, the RSS is open, it's just uploading that is now restricted to registered users.

If this does not prove to be annoying enough for people who insist on uploading child porn to my service, I will make registrations invite-only as well.

ZFH update!

zfh supports mp4 videos now. Not all of them will work. That's all.

GitHub's new Code of Conduct

So github has adopted the TODO Group's Open Code of Conduct, which specifically refuses to deal with “reverse-isms” (just /reverse on the OCoC page). Think about that. GitHub, among other companies, basically agrees that there can be no racism against white people, no sexism against men, etc.

Are you retarded, GitHub? Are you? Because it sure looks like you are to me.

The cherry on top is that there is no “reverse -isms”. The concept is bonkers. Racism is prejudice based on race or ethnicity. Sexism is prejudice based on sex or gender identity. A person hating men is sexist as much as a person hating women. They are both irrational dumb assholes.

The only reason this is being pushed is that some people want to change language to get a free pass when they are being dicks to other people. Like not being “racist” by definition somehow makes you less of a piece of shit.

Spark package signing

I've set up my builder to sign every package that it builds and adds to the Spark repos. The key is available here. Installing it is simple:

# wget "https://fleshless.org/static/builder.pgp.pub" -O /tmp/builder.pgp.pub
# pacman-key -a /tmp/builder.pgp.pub
# pacman-key --lsign pkg@fleshless.org

Keep in mind that all the signatures prove is that a package has been built by my builder. There is a reason they are not signed by my key.