fleshless.org No. You move.

systemd and time%.google.com

A Google employee (an SRE specifically) asked the systemd upstream not to use their NTP servers by default, as they are quite non-standard and are not meant for use as a sane default in anything.

It was also suggested that systemd registers a vendor pool at pool.ntp.org and use that instead. Apparently, that was already suggested and rejected for the reason of “we are not a product, so we can't”. Ignoring, of course, the fact that pool.ntp.org is perfectly fine with software projects using the default pool.

Notice that he also rejected the idea of disabling timedated at compile time.

“You can disable all the percieved bloat at compile time”, the fanboys say. Everything but a useless logging service and an ntp client you might not need, apparently.

Hilarity insues:

systemd is not a product. Its just some toolset people can build products from. We cannot use the ntp pool hence.
the ntp pool made very clear we cannot use them.
systemd is not an app you install. Its something you have adjust to your needs before you can use it in a product.
shitty servers as default are better than none.

And Lennart blocked — of course — the discussion “[until] the reddit peanut gallery lost interest.”

ZFH: Comments and a URL shrinker

ZFH has two new features:

  • Comments. It will also send email notifications for new comments on files you've uploaded, added to your files or commented on (which adds the file to your profile).
  • URL Shrinker.

Also, a quick reminder, as people always act suprised when they notice:
I, the site admin, can:

  • See your private files.
  • Log in as any user.
  • Delete/hide any file.

It should be fucking obvious.

Programming sucks
A piece of soup.

My flatmate making soup:

Now this is what I call evil.

ElementaryOS: software's not free.

ElementaryOS is getting ready to roll out their new site and their blog post about it is borderline retarded.

Why We Make You Type “$0”

Because you're fucking retards, that's why. If you don't make it clear that you can download the system for free, then what you are doing is questionable at best. I would go as far as to call that a scam. A deliberate malicious scam. If you don't want people to download your system for free, then don't let them do so. Super simple stuff.

We didn’t exclude a $0 button to deceive you

Yes you did.

We believe our software really is worth something

No one is disputing that. But if you put it out there for free, you don't get to complain that people take you up on your offer.

But Open Source means Free!

That's a straw man. Only very stupid (or new to the industry) people think that open source == no charge. We have opensource projects that charge for support and binary builds. It's perfectly ok to do so. Unless you're pretentious lying pieces of shit, that is.

Oh, and there was a gem that was deleted from the original blog post (but the internet remembers everything):

We want users to understand that they’re pretty much cheating the system when they choose not to pay for software

Fucking retards.


A port of OpenBSD's ksh to Linux: loksh


Yet another device node manager. Like smdev, but even simpler: nopdev

#debianfork lulz

< koollman> I suppose there's an important distinction to make between the unix way, and the lennart way
<+maddagaska> koollman: Yes- one is sensible, allows humans to make sense of each individual component, and to swap out any individual component with relative ease.
<+maddagaska> And the other is better, faster, more secure, and far better designed.

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